Richard L. Evans
Phone: (708) 957-4246
Email: [email protected]
About Richard L. Evans
Richard L. Evans, Partner, was the former founder and principal at Richard L. Evans Investment Management. Richard is a manager of individual investment and retirement portfolios with an extensive background of investment expertise and experience. Evans received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Indiana University in 1969 and is a 1971 graduate of Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
He is a recognized market strategist and formerly President, Chief Market Strategist, Director of Research, and an owner of Dow Theory Forecasts.
Richard Evans has been quoted in nationally-recognized publications such as Barron’s, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, Money Magazine, and Investor’s Business Daily. Evans has been featured at length in Money Magazine’s “Money Profile—Advice from a Pro” and has participated in a Money Magazine “Stock of The Month” feature. Richard Evans has also participated in and won one of the monthly stock-picking contest in The Wall Street Journal’s “Your Money Matters” and has been interviewed at length by Barron’s for his market views.
On television, he hosted and produced a monthly “Your Investments” program on PBS WYIN-Channel 56. Evans appeared on WBBM-CBS TV’s “Money Talks,” “Stock, Options, and Futures,” “Stock Market Observer,” and on CNBC.
He is author of Finding Winners Among Depressed and Low-Priced Stocks, a Fortune Book Club selection.
Richard Evans has written for Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, provided stock market columns for daily newspapers, and was the technical analysis editor for the AAII Journal. He was also a contributing author to The Individual Investor’s Guide to Winning on Wall Street.
As a speaker and lecturer, Evans keynoted several Charles Schwab Investor Conferences, lectured for Fidelity Investments, addressed chapters of the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII), Chicago Rotary One and similar groups, and has spoken at programs of various financial institutions. Professionally, he has lectured for The Financial Analysts Federation, The Investment Analysts Society, and Indiana University School of Finance.

Richard L. Evans
About Richard L. Evans
Richard L. Evans, Partner, was the former founder and principal at Richard L. Evans Investment Management. Richard is a manager of individual investment and retirement portfolios with an extensive background of investment expertise and experience. Evans received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Indiana University in 1969 and is a 1971 graduate of Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
He is a recognized market strategist and formerly President, Chief Market Strategist, Director of Research, and an owner of Dow Theory Forecasts.
Richard Evans has been quoted in nationally-recognized publications such as Barron’s, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, Money Magazine, and Investor’s Business Daily. Evans has been featured at length in Money Magazine’s “Money Profile—Advice from a Pro” and has participated in a Money Magazine “Stock of The Month” feature. Richard Evans has also participated in and won one of the monthly stock-picking contest in The Wall Street Journal’s “Your Money Matters” and has been interviewed at length by Barron’s for his market views.
On television, he hosted and produced a monthly “Your Investments” program on PBS WYIN-Channel 56. Evans appeared on WBBM-CBS TV’s “Money Talks,” “Stock, Options, and Futures,” “Stock Market Observer,” and on CNBC.
He is author of Finding Winners Among Depressed and Low-Priced Stocks, a Fortune Book Club selection.
Richard Evans has written for Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, provided stock market columns for daily newspapers, and was the technical analysis editor for the AAII Journal. He was also a contributing author to The Individual Investor’s Guide to Winning on Wall Street.
As a speaker and lecturer, Evans keynoted several Charles Schwab Investor Conferences, lectured for Fidelity Investments, addressed chapters of the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII), Chicago Rotary One and similar groups, and has spoken at programs of various financial institutions. Professionally, he has lectured for The Financial Analysts Federation, The Investment Analysts Society, and Indiana University School of Finance.