Client Logins

Custodian Login

Chicago Partners works with Charles Schwab and Fidelity.

These institutions serve as custodians for your money and allow Chicago Partners to manage the funds without ever taking custody of your accounts.

Log into Charles Schwab
Log into Fidelity

Contact the Chicago Partners Team

Having trouble logging in? We're happy to help! Contact the team and your advisor will be in touch shortly.

Client Contact Request

Client Portal Login


The Chicago Partners Portal is a tool powered by Orion you can use to monitor and review your portfolio. 

You can also contact your advisor directly through the portal to schedule a portfolio review or to just check in and see how your plan is progressing.

Log into the Client Portal

Wealth Management System (WMS) Login


As your primary financial planning tool, eMoney's Wealth Management System (WMS) allows you to look at your wealth from a global view.

Check your cash flow plan, add or change information, or review your global financial plan through WMS.

Log into WMS

Formidium Login

To access your K-1's for the Diversified Funds, you can use the button below to access the Chicago Partners Formidium form with your username and password.
Log into Formidium