The 4-Quadrant Investment Approach

An advanced investment approach to optimize both the equity and fixed income sides of your portfolio.

The 4-Quadrant Investment Approach

An advanced investment approach to optimize both the equity and fixed income sides of your portfolio.

The 4-Quadrant Equity Approach

The equity side of an investor's portfolio is characterized by the risk-return relationship.

A diversified mix of the right funds can optimize the return potential of a portfolio while minimizing exposure to risk and volatility.

Our 4-Quadrant Equity approach aims to do just that: optimize returns while minimizing risk. Using a combination of direct indexing, traditional and enhanced indexing, and risk mitigation securities, our clients' portfolios remain well-positioned to capture upside while minimizing downside risk.

Direct Indexing 1.0

Individual Equities
Zero Cost

Direct Indexing 2.0

Individual Equities
Zero Cost

Index & Enhanced Funds

ETF's & Low-Cost Funds
Extremely Low Cost

Risk Mitigation Funds

ETF's, Funds, & Individual Securities
Low Cost & Zero Cost

The 4-Quadrant Equity Approach


The equity side of an investor's portfolio is characterized by the risk-return relationship.

A diversified mix of the right funds can optimize the return potential of a portfolio while minimizing exposure to risk and volatility.

Our 4-Quadrant Equity approach aims to do just that: optimize returns while minimizing risk. Using a combination of direct indexing, traditional and enhanced indexing, and risk mitigation securities, our clients' portfolios remain well-positioned to capture upside while minimizing downside risk.

The 4-Quadrant Fixed Income Approach

The fixed income side of an investor's portfolio is characterized by stability and yield-generating potential. 

Leveraging a combination of fixed income products diversifies a portfolio's income stream while reducing correlation to the larger market.

The 4-Quadrant Fixed Income Approach uses a diversified approach to fixed income to drive correlation to equity markets down while keeping yield and return potential high. 

Investment Grade

Individual Securities
Low Cost & Zero Cost

High Yield

Individual Securities
Medium Cost & Low Cost

Preferred Securities

Individual Securities
Low Cost & Zero Cost

Private Credit

Unique Fee & Return Characteristics

The 4-Quadrant Fixed Income Approach


The fixed income side of an investor's portfolio is characterized by stability and yield-generating potential. 

Leveraging a combination of fixed income products diversifies a portfolio's income stream while reducing correlation to the larger market.

The 4-Quadrant Fixed Income Approach uses a diversified approach to fixed income to drive correlation to equity markets down while keeping yield and return potential high.